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Profile of mood states (POMS):

Profile of mood states is a way of measuring moods of those who participate in sport, research has shown a difference between successful and less successful sportspeople. The profile of mood states was created to measure tension, depression, anger, vigour fatigue and confusion. Morgan compared successful elite athletes and unsuccessful athletes on each of these moods, he called the shape of the results for the elite athletes an iceberg profile due to the reason how it looks compared with the almost horizontal line recorded for all moods by unsuccessful athletes. Successful athletes tend to score higher than unsuccessful athletes on measures of anger and vigour however successful athletes tend to score lower than unsuccessful athletes on measures of tension, depression, fatigue and confusion.

Personality, sport performance and sport choice:

Research showed that athletes have some common traits they tend to be more competitive, out going and to have high self-confidence. It has been suggested that personality testing might be able to identify those who may go on to achieve and those who may go an drop out early, so this will help to make predictions at an early stage, so you can act on the case as soon as possible. Summarising of the findings of research into personality traits and sport, no link has been established between personality and sport choice and there is no evidence to suggest that a particular personality type is likely to be more successful.


Achievement motivation

The achievement motivation theory is based on an individuals behaviour being determined by their interaction with the environment and desire to suceed.  All motives are based on needs, the achievement motive us the need to overcome abstacles, to strive to overcome something difficult and as quickly as possible. The achievement motive is the thing that gives a player that urge to be the best player in the team. That specific goal of the being the best player in the test can be achieved by training more and harder than the rest of the team.

Need to acheive (nAch):

Need to achieve is the motivation to suceed or obtain particular goals, people with need to achieve type personalities show approach behaviours, they appear to seek competitive situations. People with need to achieve personalities usally show approach behaviour; seek out challenges; will do extra training; are not afraid of failure; values feedback from others and keeps going at tasks for longer.

Need to avioid failure:

Need to avoid failure is the motivation to avoid failure, people with need to avoid failure type personalities show avoidance behaviours. They are intent on avoiding competitive situations because they have a need to avoid failure. People with need to avoid personalities usually show avoidance behaviour; avoid challenging tasks; avoid situations where sucess is 50:50; performs worse when being evaluated; tends to be preoccupied with failure; does not value feedback and lacks task persistence.

Factor of personality